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(at 31 October 2013) : "makasih admin, order saya tinbangan badan tanita HA-622 telah nyampe di rumah dalam kondisi baik. pengiriman dari surabaya ke sidoarjo cuma 1 hari. bagi yang belum coba belanja di sini, patut mencobanya. Recommended seller."
(at 28 October 2013) : "barusan order beli online untuk pembelian timbangan badan Tanita HA-622 via web gak pake ribet. ditambah chat YM CS proses order beli jadi mudah dan cepat. tinggal menunggu barang nyampe di rumah. makasih admin."
(at 27 November 2013) : "Buat Admin.. Terima kasih.. Pesanan tensimeter digital sudah saya terima dalam kondisi baik dan sudah saya gunakan.. sukses selalu buat sedia alat kesehatan."
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(at 23 November 2013) : "Makasih, Omron HEM 7203 sudah terima sampe rumah dgn selamat dalam sehari saja tgl 15/11/2013. Packingnya bagus. Top seller. "
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Garmin Marine

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Ketersediaan: Stok Tersedia
Model: GPSMap 276c
Merk: Garmin
Penilaian Produk: Belum dinilai

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GPSMap 276c
The GPSMAP 276C is a versatile colour chartplotter and automobile navigator, perfect for land or water. This portable navigator features a sunlight-readable 256-colour TFT display and a built-in autorouting basemap that can help you naviagate on major roads.

Head for the Water

On water, the GPSMAP 276C is a dependable colour chartplotter with built-in basemap enhanced by Garmin's marine cartography. For extra-precise navigation, the 276C has a Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) — a feature normally found on aircraft, but equally practical for the marine environment. The CDI quickly indicates whether your boat has veered off-course and helps you get back on track quickly. The 276C also supports external NMEA sources for water depth, water temperature, and water speed through two serial interfaces.

Navigate on Land

On land, the GPSMAP 276C's autoroute basemap can help you navigate on major roads. For even more detail, get the optional automotive kit (sold separately), which includes City Navigator® detailed maps, a data card and an automotive mount. With this kit, just load the detailed street maps on your 276C and pop it into the automotive mount for voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions to over six million addresses and points of interest, including restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, marinas and other attractions.

Add More Marine Maps

The 276C is compatible with BlueChart® maps, which add extra detail when you're out on the seas. It also accepts optional MapSource® data cards, so you can add other types of map data easily. For convenience and easy map transfer, you can connect the 276C to your computer with the included USB cable.

GPSMAP 276C : The perfect navigator for water or land


Physical & Performance:

Unit dimensions, WxHxD: 5.7" x 3.2" x 1.9" (14.5 x 8.1 x 4.8 cm)
Display size, WxH: 3.0" x 2.2" (7.6 x 5.6 cm)
Display resolution, WxH: 480 x 320 pixels
Display type: 256-color TFT
Weight: 13.6 oz (385 g)
Battery: rechargeable internal lithium-ion
Battery life: up to 15 hours
Waterproof: yes (IPX7)
Antenna: detachable
NMEA input/output: NMEA 0183
RoHS version available: yes

Maps & Memory:

Basemap: yes
Preloaded maps: no
Ability to add maps: yes
Built-in memory: none (cannot load maps to internal memory)
Accepts data cards: Garmin data cards
Waypoints/favorites/locations: 3,000
Routes: 50
Track log: 10,000 points; 20 saved tracks


Garmin radar compatible: no
Garmin sonar compatible: yes
CANet® compatible: no
Garmin Marine Network™ compatible: no
Touchscreen: no
Supports AIS (tracks target ships' position): no
Supports DSC (displays position data from DSC capable VHF radio): yes
Audible alarms: yes
Tide tables: yes
Hunt/fish calendar: yes
Sun and moon information: yes
3-D map view: no
Auto Guidance: no
Automatic routing (turn by turn routing on roads): yes
XM WX Weather & Radio for U.S. compatible: no
Voice prompts (e.g. "Turn right in 500 ft."): no
Remote control: no
Headphone jack/audio line-out: yes
Audio/video input/output: no
Portable: yes
Automotive/motorcycle-friendly: yes
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